Friday, February 10, 2012


I was awoken quite suddenly by my phone. As i stumbled through my haze i launched my monitor by accident making it land with quite a rude crash on the floor....a small expletive escaped my lips.

Later in the afternoon i attempted to turn it on to see if it would be ok.
It turned on, then briefly off.

I tinkered for awhile and found the problem....well there were two problems, but there was only one i was focusing on and that was to get it working in the first place, with a haphazard attempt at a fix, it started working.


But i realized at this point the frame was broken and would not be able to support the display screen and its innards.

Well! i thought.
I might aswell make a new body.....oh! and looky here....i have all this LEGO lying around, lets see what we can build.

so tomorrow i hope to start my new project.